"A TRANSFER" fan translation by sharpsnack Ritsuko: Good morning Shinji. How are you? Shinji: I'm used to this, I don't think it's so bad anymore. Ritsuko: That's fine. Appearance positions, emergency power supplies, weapon depots, recovery spots, you have it all memorized, correct? Shinji: Maybe... Ritsuko: Well then, let's review again. Ritsuko: Normally, the EVA is powered with an external power cable. If you switch to the internal battery in case of emergency, it can only run for one minute at full power, and if you continue, it can only run for five minutes at most. Ritsuko: This is the limit of our science. You understand. Shinji: Yes... Ritsuko: Then, continuing from yesterday, let's start the induction mode lesson. Ritsuko: Center the target. Ritsuko: Pull the trigger. Ritsuko: Stay calm and keep the target in your crosshairs. Shinji: Pull trigger... Ritsuko: Next! ___________________________________________________________________________ Maya: I wonder how Shinji's able to bring himself to pilot it... Ritsuko: He just obediently follows what others say. That's just how he lives his life. Shinji: Center target and pull trigger...center target and pull trigger...center target and pull trigger...center target and pull trigger...center target... TITLE EPISODE: 3 A TRANSFER ___________________________________________________________________________ Shinji: Ms. Misato...it's already morning. Misato: Hmm, I was on night duty yesterday. I have to be at the office by evening today...so let me sleep. Shinji: Well then, I... Misato: Today is Thursday, right? Could you please put out the burnable garbage? Shinji: Yes. Misato: Have you gotten used to school yet? Shinji: Yeah... Misato: Bye, Shinji! Shinji: Bye. ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Um...agh..hello? Oh...hi Ritsuko.. Ritsuko: How have you been? Are things going well with him? Misato: Him? Ah, Shinji. It's been two weeks since he transferred schools, and he's still the same as always. No one ever gives him a call. Ritsuko: Calls? ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: I gave him a cell phone a while back out of necessity, but he doesn't seem to be using it or receiving any calls. I think he might not have any friends. Ritsuko: Shinji may not have the type of personality to make friends easily, right? Do you know of the hedgehog's dilemma? ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Hedgehogs? Those spiny things? ___________________________________________________________________________ Ritsuko: With hedgehogs, if they want to share their warmth with other hedgehogs, the closer they get, the more they end up hurting each other. The same can be said for humans. Ritsuko: Shinji's probably scared of feeling anguish and pain in his heart, so he distances himself from otherd Misato: Well, you'll realize it eventually...Growing up means getting closer and farther apart, and finding a distance where you don't hurt each other too much... Kensuke: Gun! Da-da-da-da-da-da-da! Gwaan! Kensuke: What, Class Rep? Hikari: Did you deliver yesterday's print to Toji? Kensuke: He seems to be away for some reason... Hikari: Kensuke, you and Toji are on good terms, aren't you? Aren't you worried about him taking two weeks off? Kensuke: I wonder if he was seriously injured? Hikari: In the incident with the robot? The news said no one got hurt... Kensuke: No way. We all saw what happened at Mt. Takasu. Units not only from Iruma and Komatsu, but also from Misawa and Kyushu were dispatched. At least 10 or 20 people must've been injured...some probably even died. Kensuke: Toji! Hikari: Suzuhara! Toji: It seems there's a lot less students here... Kensuke: Evacuation, evacuation. Everyone's transferring to different schools. It's not surprising - there's been a real war in the city. Toji: You're the only one who'll be happy because you get to see a battle. Kensuke: Sorta. How have you been? You were gone from school for a while. Did anything happen to you because of that incident a while back? Toji: My younger sister... Toji: My younger sister got stuck under a pile of rubble. She survived, but she's stuck in the hospital. Both my father and grandfather work at the research institute, and they can't leave now. If I didn't stay with her, she'd be all alone. Toji: Ugh, that robot's pilot is so crappy, I'm really pissed off! The one who's supposed to be on our side wrecked the city! Kensuke: By the way, did you hear the rumors about the transfer student? Toji: Transfer student? Kensuke: That guy over there. He moved in while you were gone, right after the incident. A little strange, don't you think? Hikari: All rise! Teacher: The human race's most difficult trials began then. In the last year of the 20th century, a massive meteorite from space came crashing into Antarctica, instantly destroying the icy continent. Water levels in the oceans rose, the earth's axis tilted, and abnormal weather that threatened the existence of living things struck the world. Teacher: And half of humanity was lost forever, along with thousands of other species. Teacher: After economic collapse, ethnic conflicts, and civil war, those who survived suffered all new kinds of hellish situations. Computer: "Is it true that you're the pilot of that robot? Y/N" Teacher: However, it has been 15 years since then, and in that little time we have been able to restore the world this much. Teacher: This is not only due to the excellence of our species... Computer monitor: "It's true, right? Y/N Teacher: ...but also due to the efforts; the blood, sweat, and tears of your fathers and mothers. Shinji (key input): Y Class: Yeah! Teacher: At the time, I was living in Nebukawa. It's now underwater... Hikari: Hey everyone! We're still in class, right? Please take your seats! Girl: Ugh, you're always bossing us around! Boy: Good, good! Hikari: Not good! Girl: Hey, how were you chosen? Girl: Was there a test? Girl: Weren't you scared? Girl: What is the cockpit like? Shinji: That's uh...top secret. Girl: Hey, what's the name of the robot? Shinji: I'm not really sure, but everyone's calling it EVA and Unit-01... Girl: EVA? Boy: What's it's special attack? Shinji: There was a knife, and it vibrated...umm, like ultrasound... Girl: Amazing! You're the pride of our school! Teacher: Well...that's all for today. Girl: Where do you live, Ikari? Girl: In the old part of town? Hikari: All rise! Bow! Come on, everyone! You've all gotta do it right for once... ___________________________________________________________________________ Toji: Sorry newbie, I have to hit ya. I wouldn't feel content with myself otherwise. Shinji: ... Kensuke: Sorry! His little sister got hurt in the commotion the other day. That's why he's so upset. Shinji: I'm not piloting it because I want to, you know. Shinji: ... Rei: Emergency call in. I'll meet you there. ___________________________________________________________________________ Broadcast: A special state of emergency has now been declared for the regions of Kanto and Chubu surrounding the Tokai region. Please immediately evacuate to a designated shelter. I repeat... (eyecatch thing) NEON GENESIS EVANGELION ___________________________________________________________________________ NEON GENESIS EVANGELION EPISODE:3 A TRANSFER Shigeru: The target has been spotted. It has entered the territorial waters. Fuyutsuki: All personnel, to battle stations! Operator: Understood. Prepare for anti-aircraft interception! Makoto: Tokyo-3 switching to battle configuration. Operator: Cache the central block! Operator: The central block and Districts 1 to 7 have been cached. Shigeru: The government and related ministries have been notified. Operator: Current availability rate of anti-aircraft interception system is 48%. Misato: Status of non-combatants and civilians? Shigeru: We have received reports that the evacuation has been completed. ___________________________________________________________________________ Broadcast: Elementary and junior high school students are asked to gather by class, and residents, group yourselves by block. Kensuke: They're at it again. Toji: Ugh, just text again? Kensuke: It's a news blackout. They don't let us civilians see anything, even though this is such a big event! ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: The fourth angel has attacked while Commander Ikari's away...surprisingly quick. Makoto: Last time it was a 15 year gap, but this time it's only been 3 weeks. Misato: They don't care about our feelings. They're the type that women hate. ___________________________________________________________________________ Fuyutsuki: What a waste of tax money. Shigeru: The committee has requested the dispatch of Evangelion. Misato: They're so annoying! I was gonna send it out already, they don't need to ask us! ___________________________________________________________________________ Operator: Entry has started. Maya: Inject LCL into entry plug. Release Arrival/Departure lock. Shinji: (I wonder why I'm piloting again if Father isn't here.) Shinji: (Even when I got hit by someone...) ___________________________________________________________________________ Kensuke: Hey, I have something to talk to you about... Toji: What is it? Kensuke: You know... Touji: Sure, if you want. Toji: Class Rep! Hikari: What? Toji: Both of us are going to the bathroom. Hikari: You should've done that already! Whatever, just finish up quickly! ___________________________________________________________________________ Toji: So, what is it? Kensuke: I want to see it at least once before I die. Toji: The battle? Kensuke: I don't know when the enemy will come again. Toji: Kensuke, what kinda weirdo are you... Toji mocking Kensuke (in a military tone): If I let this moment slip away... Kensuke: Hey, could ya please help me unlock this gate? Toji: If you go out there, you'll die. Kensuke: We might not even survive here in the shelter. If I'm going to die anyway, might as well watch it first. Toji: Idiot! Why do you think NERV is here? Kensuke: And what do you think NERV's fighting machine is for? It's that transfer student's robot, right? He was the one who protected us the other day! And you beat him to the ground. Twice too. Toji: Uh... Kensuke: If he decided not to pilot that thing, we'd all die. Kensuke: Toji, you kind of have a "duty" to watch over him in battle, right? Toji: I can't help it. Toji: You're really a slave to your passions, aren't you? Kensuke: Ahaha. ___________________________________________________________________________ Misato: Shinji, time to launch! Are you ready! Shinji: Yes... Ritsuko: Remember to neutralize the enemy's AT field and fire a volley of bullets, just like you practiced, okay? Shinji: Yes. Misato: Launch! ___________________________________________________________________________ Kensuke: Amazing! This is more than worth my struggle to get here! Now this is what I've been waiting for! Kensuke: It's come out... Shinji: Center on target and pull trigger, center on target and pull trigger, center on target and pull trigger... Misato: Put up an A.T. field just as planned, ok? Shinji: Yes. Misato: Idiot! You won't be able to see the enemy because of the smoke! Toji: What, he's already been beaten!? Kensuke: It's okay... Misato: I'll take out the spare rifle. Misato: Take it! Misato: Shinji? ...Shinji?! Kensuke: Ah, I guess he really is getting hurt after all. Toji: Ugh, shut up! Shigeru: Umbilical cable severed! Makoto: EVA-01 has switched to internal power! Maya: Active time remaining is 4 minutes and 53 seconds! Kensuke: It's flying right at us! Kensuke & Toji: Aaaaaaaaauuuuugh! Misato: Shinji, are you okay? Shinji?! Any damage? Makoto: There's no issue, the EVA's still operational! Misato: Shinji's classmates? Ritsuko: Why are they here? Toji: Why won't he fight?! Kensuke: Because, due to us being here, he's isn't free to move! Maya: Unit-01, active time remaining before shutdown is 3 minutes and 28 seconds! Misato: Shinji, get those two into the cockpit! Misato: After we collect the two of them, we'll temporarily retreat and continue our attack! Ritsuko: You really think you can allow civilians into the entry plug without permission?! Misato: I'll allow it. Ritsuko: You're overstepping your authority, Captain Katsuragi. Maya: Unit-01, active time remaining before shutdown is 3 minutes! Misato: Make the EVA continue following current orders, and discharge the entry plug in the meantime, hurry! Misato: You two, get in! Quickly! Toji: Oh my god, what is this?! Water? Kensuke: Oh, my camera! Maya: An abnormality has occurred in the nervous system! Ritsuko: It's because of the foreign bodies in the entry plug! There's noise being mixed in with the nerve pulses! Misato: Now! Retreat! Misato: Use recovery route 34, retreat to the east side of the mountain! Toji: Listen to her, newbie! Newbie! Shinji: Don't run away, don't run away, don't run away... Makoto: Progressive knife equipped! Misato: Shinji, listen to me! Retreat! Shinji! Shinji: Uhaaaaaaaaaaaah! Misato: What an idiot! Maya: Unit-01, 30 seconds until power runs out! 28, 27, 26, 25... Shinji: Uhaaaaaaaaaaaah! Maya: ...14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Maya: EVA Unit-01 has ceased activity. Makoto: The target has gone completely silent. ___________________________________________________________________________ Toji: It's been 3 days now... Kensuke: After we got scolded by the adults? Toji: No, since he's stopped coming to school. Kensuke: Who? Toji: The transfer student, who else?! I wonder how he's been doing since the battle... Kensuke: Are you worried? Toji: No, I wouldn't say that... Kensuke: You're just so headstrong...if you apologized before you left, you wouldn't have been in agony for three days. Look, here's the transfer student's phone number. If you're worried, why not give him a call? Toji: … END